How to ship multiple orders at once?

You can now ship multiple orders through Dukaan Delivery with ease and save time with this new feature.

To ship multiple orders, click on Orders. In the bottom right you can see the Ship multiple orders button. Click on it to continue.

Once clicked, you'll see the below screen. To start, select orders that you want to ship. You can select each order by clicking on the checkbox. To select all orders, click on the checkbox beside the Order summary column.

If you've some pin codes that are non-serviceable, you'll see a note on the top as shown. You can only Self Ship these orders.

The next step is to add the weight of the product to estimate delivery charges. Under the Product weight column, enter the weight of each product in KGs. For example, if the weight of a product is 300gm, enter 0.3. Now, click on Calculate delivery charges button to see the delivery charge.

Once the delivery charges are calculated, click on the Proceed to ship button to continue. Here you can again see the details of the orders that you're shipping. Click on the Pay & request delivery button to pay the delivery charges and raise a pickup request for your orders.

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