How to Auto Accept Orders?

Simplify your order workflow on Dukaan by enabling Auto-Accept Orders. No more manual acceptances; order in Pending stage can now move automatically to the 'Accepted' stage.

How to Set Up:

  1. On the left-side menu, locate the Settings option and click on Notifications.

  2. By default, the Auto-Accept Orders functionality is set to Never and Click on this setting to make changes.

  3. A dialogue box will appear, presenting four options:

    • Accept Cash on Delivery (COD) orders only.

    • Accept Prepaid orders only.

    • Accept all orders (COD + Prepaid).

    • Never auto-accept any orders.

  4. Choose the type of orders you want to auto-accept.

  5. Click on "Save changes" to apply your preferences.

Optimize efficiency with Dukaan's Auto-Accept feature. Tailor order processing to your preferences, making it swift and hassle-free. Explore the benefits of automated order acceptance today.

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