How to integrate Stripe with Dukaan?

Note: This is only for users located outside India. In case you want to set up online payments for India, please click here. For users outside of India, refunds and returns need to be processed by you.

With 135+ currencies and dozens of payment methods, Stripe makes it easy to launch new markets and add your customers’ preferred way of paying to increase conversion abroad.

To integrate Stripe with Dukaan, log in to your Dukaan Store and go to Manage, and then click on Online Payments. You’ll see the below screen where you can set up different payment methods.

Click on the Set up button to start your Stripe integration. Once you click on Set up, you’ll see the below pop-up asking for your account's Public Key and Secret Key.

To access these Stripe keys, log in to your Stripe account. Under Developers sections, select API Keys. Here you can find your Public (Publishable) and Secret key. Copy these keys and paste them in their respective place, as shown in the image above.

Refer to the image below or this article.

Once you’ve entered both of these keys, click on the Continue button to finish the integration.

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