How to set online payments for your store?

Note: This is only for users located outside India. In case you want to set up online payments for India, please click here. For users outside of India, refunds and returns need to be processed by you. Dukaan is only facilitating the payments integration. In case you face any issues, please contact the respective payment provider.

Dukaan allows you to accept online payments from your customers. We do not charge any percentage commission or transaction charges above what you are paying to your payment gateway.

Setting up payments on Dukaan

To access the payments set up screen, click on Payments on the sidebar. Upon clicking on Payments the following screen will appear.

By default, cash on delivery will be enabled. You need to have at least one payment method set up to disable it.

Gateways and payment methods supported in countries

Find the links for supported countries by various gateways below:

How to integrate PayPal with Dukaan?

To learn how to set up PayPal for your store, click here.

How to integrate Stripe with Dukaan?

Click here to view How to integrate Stripe with Dukaan.

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