How to use the server side events plugin?

Server-Sent Events allows you to receive real-time updates for live video comments and reactions. It uses the Server-Sent Events (SSE) web standard to send real-time, continuous data streams to browser clients, once an initial client connection has been established.


  • Easy setup and integration with your Dukaan storefront

  • Accurate tracking of customer behaviour with server-side events

  • Compatibility with Facebook

  • User-friendly interface for inputting your facebook access token and pixel ID

How to use the Server side events plugin on Dukaan?

Here's how you can start using the server side events plugin:

  • Click on install plugin on your Dukaan dashboard

  • Click on settings

  • Turn the toggle on for Facebook

  • Input your Facebook access token and pixel ID

  • To know how to get your access token:

    • Go to your facebook business manager

    • Go to events Manager

    • Select your pixel

    • Go to settings

    • Scroll to Custom Conversion Events

    • Click on generate access token

    • Copy and paste the Access token on your Dukaan dashboard

  • Click on Update to save the changes

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