How to use the Gumroad importer plugin?

What is the Gumroad importer plugin on Dukaan?

The Dukaan Gumroad Importer plugin allows you to easily import your products from Gumroad onto Dukaan, streamlining your store transfer and saving you time.

Note: Gumroad does not expose the digital files being sent due to security reasons. As a result, you will need to upload the digital files associated with each product manually. The Gumroad importer gets data about product details, including images, product descriptions and prices.

How to use the plugin?

Note: In order for the plugin to work effectively and ensure a seamless flow, please install the Digital products plugin first. You can do that by clicking here.

In order to use the Gumroad importer plugin, head over to the plugins section on your Dukaan dashboard and search for the Gumroad Importer. Click on the Install plugin button and head to the settings section.

You will see the below screen. Here, you need to enter your Gumroad store link and Access token and then click Import. Let's see how to get these details below.

How to get your Gumroad store link?

In order to get your Gumroad store link, log in to your Gumroad dashboard and click on your account name at the bottom left. Then, click on Profile.

You will be redirected to your Gumroad store link. Then, from the address bar, copy it.

How to get your Gumroad store Access token?

In order to get the access token for your Gumroad account, click on the Settings icon at the bottom left.

Click on Advanced and scroll down below to the Applications section.

In the Application name, enter Dukaan

In the redirect URL, add

Then, click on Create Application

Now, click on Generate access token

You will get a unique access token, specific to your Gumroad account. Copy this Access token, and paste this in your Dukaan plugin settings page.

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