How to add size charts to my products?

How to use the size chart plugin?

In order to create a size chart for your products, head over the plugin section on your Dukaan dashboard and search for Size Chart

Now, click on Install Plugin and head over to the Plugin Settings section

Here, click on Add size chart

Choose if you want to show the Size chart on only specific products or specific categories.

Note: In case you've added a size chart on both a category level and a product level, the size chart on the product level will be shown to the user as that is higher in priority.

This is what you will see after selecting either specific products or categories.

Now, choose the categories that the size chart you are creating would be applicable on.

We give you a few pre-defined size charts for a few categories that you can then choose to edit, or, if you want to create your own, click on + Create Custom

How to add a size chart from the templates available?

Let's choose to add a size chart for Men's Polo & Crew Neck T-Shirts with the Men's Topwear template.

Add a name for your size chart so you can easily identify it later and click on Create

You will find that a default size chart is already populated for your reference. You can then choose to go ahead and edit each of the fields present in the size chart.

Click on the in icon to change the default unit of measurement for your size chart.

Once you've made all the edits to the size chart as per your requirement, click on Save.

The next time you come to the Size chart plugin settings page, you will see the consolidated list of your size charts created. You can click on the 3 dots on the right side to either edit or delete a size chart.

Tips & Tricks

In case you want to add or remove a row/column click on the column and you would see these options there

You can choose to define a Header Row or Column so that row gets highlighted with this setting.

This is how your size chart would look like with the header row defined.

How does a live size chart look like?

Once you make the size chart live, this is how it would look on your product page.

On clicking on it, the size chart opens up and you will be able to see all the details.

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