How to use the Orders Section in Dukaan?

The Orders section is your hub for all things related to your store’s orders. It provides your store's order history, allows you to download order reports effortlessly, sort orders based on status, share order receipts, and much more.

Let’s delve into how you can efficiently manage your orders and stay in control.

1. Navigating the Orders Section:

Click on Orders in the left-side panel to navigate to the Orders section. Upon entering, you'll encounter a screen displaying your past or active orders. Use the search bar to find specific orders by Order ID, Mobile number, or Name.

2. Order Statuses:

Streamline your view with just one click by filtering orders by their statuses. Choose from viewing all orders, pending orders, accepted orders, shipped orders, delivered orders, and more.

Let's understand what different order statuses imply:

Order Status



All filter shows all orders that your store has received, irrespective of their status


Pending filter lets you filter orders which you have not accepted after the customer has placed the order


Accepted filter lets you filter orders which you've accepted but are not dispatched (or shipped) for delivery yet


Shipped filter lets you filter orders which you've dispatched for delivery but are not yet delivered to the customer


Delivered filter lets you filter orders that are delivered to the customer successfully


If your business category is Restaurants & Hotels and you've enabled in-store dining, you will see the Served category. It represents orders that have been placed via Dukaan and are served on table

Other Filters > Modified

Modified orders lets you filter orders who's quantity or delivery fee you have modified and are awaiting confirmation from the customer. (Access Modified filter by going to Other Filters and select Modified)

Other Filters > Rejected

Rejected filter lets you filter orders that you've rejected for any reason. (Access Rejected filter by going to Other Filters and select Rejected)

Other Filters > Cancelled

Cancelled filter lets you filter orders that you have cancelled after the order was accepted by you. (Access Cancelled filter by going to Other Filters and select Cancelled)

Other Filters > Cancelled by buyer

Cancelled by buyer filter lets you filter orders that customers have cancelled from their side. (Note: A customer can cancel the order till the time you've not accepted it. Access Cancelled by buyer filter by going to Other Filters and select Cancelled by buyer)

Other Filters > Failed

Failed filter lets you filter orders that are not delivered to the customer successfully due to any reason. Use this filter to know what all orders need another attempt for delivery. (Access Failed filter by going to Other Filters and select Failed)

Other Filters > Returned

Returned filter lets you filter orders where customers requested a return, and the return was completed.(Access Returned filter by going to Other Filters and select Returned)

3. Refine Orders with Filters and Sorts:

  • Tailor your order view by filtering them based on daily, weekly, monthly, or lifetime durations. Click on the Lifetime drop-down to filter orders as per your preference.

  • Utilize the Filter option to further refine your orders. Filter based on mode of payment (Paid, COD, Unpaid, and prepaid orders), amount, item quantity, channels, mode of delivery (Dukaan delivery, self-shipped), and tags.

  • Sort orders based on dates, amounts, and items for a more customized view.

  • By default, the Orders section displays columns such as Date, Customer, Items, Payment, Status, and Amount. To add more columns, click on the "Columns" option.

4. Exporting Order Reports:

Download order reports in Excel or PDF format by clicking on the "Export" button.

5. Generating Order Receipts:

Click on the specific order, and then click on the Receipt button to generate order receipts.


You can use the right and left arrow keys on your keyboard to go to the next or previous order.

By following these steps, you can effortlessly navigate and manage your orders on Dukaan, ensuring a smooth experience for both you and your customers.

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