How to add New Pages to Dukaan Store?

The Pages feature in Dukaan empowers you to add new and multiple pages to your online store, serving various purposes to engage your audience effectively.

Why Add Pages?

Pages play a crucial role in providing your customers with more than just product information. For instance:

  1. Brand Story: Our Story

    • Engage your audience by sharing your brand's journey, values, vision, mission, and more. This not only adds flair to your business but also allows customers to connect on a deeper level.

  2. Product Launch: Excite Your Customers

    • Create buzz and excitement by adding a page dedicated to recently added products or upcoming launches. This gives customers a sneak peek and keeps them eagerly anticipating your new offerings.

Adding a New Page: A Simple Guide

  1. Go to "Appearance" and click on "Pages."

  2. Click the "Add new page" button to start the process.

  3. Page Details: Customize Your Content

    • Enter a descriptive title for your page.

    • Optionally, click "Edit" to customize the page URL.

    • Add engaging information or images under "Page Content."

  4. Optimize for SEO: Boost Visibility

    • Maximize your page's visibility on search engines through Dukaan SEO.

    • Add or generate a title tag, meta description tag, and a social sharing image.

  5. Publish or Save as Draft: Your Choice

    • Click "Publish Page" to make your page active on the store's home page.

    • If you want to save it for later, use the "Save as draft" button.

  6. Manage Your Pages Easily

    • View and edit all your published and draft pages under the "Pages" tab.

    • To edit, click on the page name to go to the page editor, make changes, and click "Publish Page" to save.

  7. Deleting a Page: Streamlined Process

    • If needed, click the three dots next to the page name and select "Delete Page."

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