How to add a Blog to your Dukaan store?

Adding a blog section to your store not only enhances website traffic but also builds credibility and improves search engine rankings.

Head over to the Appearance section and click on Blog.

1. Add Your First Blog Post:

  • Click on "Add blog post" to start creating your first blog.

2. Describe Your Blog Post:

  • Once clicked, you'll see the screen where you can add details describing your blog post.

  • Under "Title," add a name that aptly describes the blog.

  • Click on the "Edit" button if you want to customize the link to the blog.

  • In the "Content" section, add your blog content, including images, bullets, links, and formatting options.

3. Dukaan-SEO Section:

  • After completing the content, you'll find the Dukaan-SEO section.

5. Add Featured Image and Author:

  • On the right side, add a featured image (ideal size: 918px x 483px) and specify the author of the blog.

6. Save or Publish:

  • If you want to save the blog for later, click on "Save as draft." To publish, click on "Publish blog."

7. Manage Published and Draft Blogs:

  • You can view and edit all your published and draft blogs under the "Blogs" tab.

  • To edit a blog, click on the blog's name to go to the blog editor. Make changes and click on "Publish blog" to save them.

8. Delete a Blog:

  • To delete a blog, click on the three dots button next to the blog's name and choose "Delete blog."

Video Tutorial:

By following these straightforward steps, you can effortlessly add, manage, and optimize your blogs on Dukaan.

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