How to connect Online Payment service provider with Dukaan?

Note: This guide is specific to setting up online payments for Indian stores. If you're interested in configuring online payments for stores located outside India, please click here.

1. Accessing Payment Setup and Choosing Your Provider:

  • Navigate to Settings from the left side menu.

  • Click on Payments to initiate the online payment setup.

  • On the Payments screen, you'll find two options for online payments service providers - Razorpay and PhonePe.

2. Setting Up Razorpay:

  • If you prefer Razorpay, click on Set up.

  • It will redirect you to the Razorpay portal, where you will have to log in with your registered email id or mobile number to your Razorpay account.

  • You can create an account if you don't have one.

  • Once logged in, provide access to your Razorpay account to Dukaan by clicking on the Authorize button.

  • Once authorization is successful, you will be redirected to your Dukaan dashboard.

  • Your Razorpay connection with Dukaan is now activated.

3. Setting Up PhonePe:

  • If you prefer PhonePe, click on Set up.

  • Now enter the required details: Salt key, Salt index, and Merchant ID.

  • You can find this information on your PhonePe dashboard.

  • Once this information is entered, click on the Set up button to activate the connection.

4. Deactivating or Removing the Connection:

  • If you wish to deactivate/remove the connection, click on the three dots icon.

  • Note: On deactivating/removing the connection, you won't be able to accept any online orders payments via Razorpay/PhonePe.

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